




北京 热点城市 北京 上海 广州 深圳 石家庄 成都 南京 天津 青岛 长沙 昆明 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTWXYZ A - B - C - D - E A 鞍山 安庆 安阳 安顺 安康 澳门 B 北京 保定 包头 巴彦淖尔 本溪 蚌埠 亳州 滨州 北海 百色 巴中 毕节 保山 宝鸡 白银 巴州 C 承德 沧州 长治 赤峰 向阳 长春 常州 滁州 池州 长沙 常德 郴州 潮州 崇左 重庆 成都 楚雄 昌都 慈溪 常熟 D 年夜同 年夜连 丹东 年夜庆 东营 德州 东莞 德阳 达州 年夜理 德宏 定西 儋州 东平 E 鄂尔多斯 鄂州 恩施 F - G - H - I - J F 抚顺 阜新 阜阳 福州 抚州 佛山 防城港 G 赣州 广州 桂林 贵港 广元 广安 贵阳 固原 H 邯郸 衡水 呼和浩特 呼伦贝尔 葫芦岛 哈尔滨 黑河 淮安 杭州 湖州 合肥 淮南 淮北 黄山 菏泽 鹤壁 黄石 黄冈 衡阳 怀化 惠州 河源 贺州 河池 海南 红河 汉中 海东 怀来 J 晋中 锦州 吉林 鸡西 佳木斯 嘉兴 金华 景德镇 九江 吉安 济南 济宁 焦作 荆门 荆州 江门 揭阳 金昌 酒泉 嘉峪关 K - L - M - N - P K 开封 昆明 昆山 L 廊坊 临汾 辽阳 连云港 丽水 六安 龙岩 莱芜 临沂 聊城 洛阳 漯河 娄底 柳州 宾客 泸州 乐山 六盘水 丽江 临沧 拉萨 林芝 兰州 陇南 M 牡丹江 马鞍山 茂名 梅州 绵阳 眉山 N 南京 南通 宁波 南平 宁德 南昌 南阳 南宁 内江 南充 P 盘锦 莆田 萍金年会乡 平顶山 濮阳 攀枝花 普洱 平凉 Q - R - S - T - W Q 秦皇岛 齐齐哈尔 衢州 泉州 青岛 清远 钦州 黔南 曲靖 庆阳 R 日照 日喀则 S 石家庄 沈阳 双鸭山 绥化 上海 姑苏 宿迁 绍兴 宿州 三明 上饶 三门峡 商丘 十堰 随州 邵阳 韶关 深圳 汕头 汕尾 三亚 三沙 遂宁 山南 商洛 石嘴山 T 天津 唐山 太原 通辽 铁岭 泰州 台州 铜陵 泰安 铜仁 铜川 天水 天门 W 乌海 乌兰察布 无锡 温州 芜湖 潍坊 威海 武汉 梧州 渭南 武威 吴忠 乌鲁木齐 X - Y - Z X 邢台 徐州 宣城 厦门 新余 新乡 许昌 信阳 襄阳 孝感 咸宁 湘潭 湘西 西双版纳 西安 咸阳 西宁 仙桃 西昌 Y 阳泉 运城 营口 盐城 扬州 鹰潭 宜春 烟台 宜昌 岳阳 益阳 永州 阳江 云浮 玉林 宜宾 雅安 玉溪 延安 榆林 银川 Z 张家口 镇江 舟山 漳州 淄博 枣庄 郑州 周口 驻马店 株洲 张家界 珠海 湛江 肇庆 中山 自贡 资阳 遵义 昭通 张掖 中卫 首页 资讯 设计 装修攻略 作品案例 装修案例 论坛 装修公司 设计师 工长 问答 北京家居首页 > 北京资讯 > 北京资讯 > 时象设计丨艾为电子最美尝试中间 > 时象设计丨艾为电子最美尝试中间 搜狐核心家居办事号 资讯2021-04-20 16:44


项目地址:中国 上海






In 2020, T1D received a commission from awinic to reconstruct a waste warehouse in Xinzhuang District of Shanghai, which entrusted us to build a lab center that integrates work and testing.


Before the design



The first problem we faced in the early stage of design was how to respond to this negative factory site with a positive attitude.


The predecessor of this warehouse only had the function of storing goods, so there was no deliberate design in the space layout, showing low space utilization rate. The disordered surroundings also impose a challenge to establish an independent corporate image.


In addition, the problems of the space itself are not the only concern for us, but more importantly, we are more concerned about how to grant vitality to the space through the design. A design that is full of emotion can give fresh and lively life to the space.


The First Vision


Since the appearance of the building is the first visual center of visitors,the designer takes awinic blueas the main toneoutside the whole buildingaccording to the corporate image ofawinic, which makes the space more recognizable on the basis of the original architectural shape.


The Natural Rhythm


We make the entrance unified and concise. We try to present a simple and clear spatial relationship with restrained design language. The eye-catching luminous logo, the sofa chair with awinic blue as the main tone and the round hole add smart elements to the space.



The arched door on the right side of the hall creates an irregular space, which is both independent and integrated with the whole space. Naturally it drives the pace of the space, while ensuring the mobility and flexibility of space use.





We have employed awinic blue, the identification color of the enterprise, greatly to the space. Gray at different lightness and awinic blue are combined to enhance the hierarchy of space and create a transparent and clean texture.


The arched small conference room not only meets the functional needs of customers, but also adds a sense of mystery to the space.


Application of Classic Elements


Arch,as the most classic element, has a harmoniousand solemn feeling, and oftenbringsa uniqueand eternal beautythat one will neverbetired of.


In the design of this case, the designer uses a lot of arched elements to bring unique sensory experience to the visitors.



The designer embeds new spatial relations in the original spatial framework, exactly extending the curve to form an arched corridor, which becomes the most frequently contacted site for users and forms the relationship between visitors and space.


In view of the dual attributes of testing and working, the conception of its internal space is to make people feel pure spiritually. Some spaces are "infinite" while some are "limited", but the "infinite space" is integrated with the "limited space" through the glass and the hole.



The staff canteen is an important functional area in this case, which is a large gathering place specially provided by the company for employees. The task of the design team is to create a relaxing space that can integrate meal, coffee and daily communication.


The designer uses a large area of transparent glass to meet the needs of customers for space permeability. The sunlight pours in and diffuses on the wooden tables and chairs. Everything is just right.



The washing room is often a space that is easy to be ignored. The designer believes that washing rooms should have their unique soul, so he creates a colorful washing room with the cartoon image of boy awinic and girl awinic as the sign.





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