




金年会-飞羽&法国DNA 巴黎设计奖联合创始人罗曼·拉侯辛
北京 热点城市 北京 上海 广州 深圳 石家庄 成都 南京 天津 青岛 长沙 昆明 ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTWXYZ A - B - C - D - E A 鞍山 安庆 安阳 安顺 安康 澳门 B 北京 保定 包头 巴彦淖尔 本溪 蚌埠 亳州 滨州 北海 百色 巴中 毕节 保山 宝鸡 白银 巴州 C 承德 沧州 长治 赤峰 向阳 长春 常州 滁州 池州 长沙 常德 郴州 潮州 崇左 重庆 成都 楚雄 昌都 慈溪 常熟 D 年夜同 年夜连 丹东 年夜庆 东营 德州 东莞 德阳 达州 年夜理 德宏 定西 儋州 东平 E 鄂尔多斯 鄂州 恩施 F - G - H - I - J F 抚顺 阜新 阜阳 福州 抚州 佛山 防城港 G 赣州 广州 桂林 贵港 广元 广安 贵阳 固原 H 邯郸 衡水 呼和浩特 呼伦贝尔 葫芦岛 哈尔滨 黑河 淮安 杭州 湖州 合肥 淮南 淮北 黄山 菏泽 鹤壁 黄石 黄冈 衡阳 怀化 惠州 河源 贺州 河池 海南 红河 汉中 海东 怀来 J 晋中 锦州 吉林 鸡西 佳木斯 嘉兴 金华 景德镇 九江 吉安 济南 济宁 焦作 荆门 荆州 江门 揭阳 金昌 酒泉 嘉峪关 K - L - M - N - P K 开封 昆明 昆山 L 廊坊 临汾 辽阳 连云港 丽水 六安 龙岩 莱芜 临沂 聊城 洛阳 漯河 娄底 柳州 宾客 泸州 乐山 六盘水 丽江 临沧 拉萨 林芝 兰州 陇南 M 牡丹江 马鞍山 茂名 梅州 绵阳 眉山 N 南京 南通 宁波 南平 宁德 南昌 南阳 南宁 内江 南充 P 盘锦 莆田 萍乡 平顶山 濮阳 攀枝花 普洱 平凉 Q - R - S - T - W Q 秦皇岛 齐齐哈尔 衢州 泉州 青岛 清远 钦州 黔南 曲靖 庆阳 R 日照 日喀则 S 石家庄 沈阳 双鸭山 绥化 上海 姑苏 宿迁 绍兴 宿州 三明 上饶 三门峡 商丘 十堰 随州 邵阳 韶关 深圳 汕头 汕尾 三亚 三沙 遂宁 山南 商洛 石嘴山 T 天津 唐山 太原 通辽 铁岭 泰州 台州 铜陵 泰安 铜仁 铜川 天水 天门 W 乌海 乌兰察布 无锡 温州 芜湖 潍坊 威海 武汉 梧州 渭南 武威 吴忠 乌鲁木齐 X - Y - Z X 邢台 徐州 宣城 厦门 新余 新乡 许昌 信阳 襄阳 孝感 咸宁 湘潭 湘西 西双版纳 西安 咸阳 西宁 仙桃 西昌 Y 阳泉 运城 营口 盐城 扬州 鹰潭 宜春 烟台 宜昌 岳阳 益阳 永州 阳江 云浮 玉林 宜宾 雅安 玉溪 延安 榆林 银川 Z 张家口 镇江 舟山 漳州 淄博 枣庄 郑州 周口 驻马店 株洲 张家界 珠海 湛江 肇庆 中山 自贡 资阳 遵义 昭通 张掖 中卫 首页 资讯 设计 装修攻略 作品案例 装修案例 论坛 装修公司 设计师 工长 问答 北京家居首页 > 北京资讯 > 北京资讯 > 飞羽&法国DNA 巴黎设计奖结合开创人罗曼·拉侯辛 > 飞羽&法国DNA 巴黎设计奖结合开创人罗曼·拉侯辛 搜狐核心家居办事号 资讯2021-12-30 10:12

DNA 巴黎设计奖是一项国际年度设计比赛,它聚集了一个由最热点的创意家、思惟家和制造商构成的国际评审团。触及建筑、室内、景不雅、产物和平面设计范畴,寻觅来自世界各地的新颖创意设计。2021年法国DNA设计奖颁奖仪式在12月初在巴黎进行,飞羽奖项研究地点颁奖仪式竣事后对其结合开创人罗曼·拉侯辛(Romain Lahoussine)进行了后续采访。

罗曼·拉侯辛(Romain Lahoussine)

DNA 巴黎设计奖结合开创人

DNA 巴黎设计奖两位开创人

Romain Lahoussine(右) Hossein Farmani(左)






Q:A lot of awards ceremony were changed to hold online due to the global pandemic, what diff金年会iculty did you meet when holding the live ceremony?

A:We’ve decided not to do an online Ceremony but to wait some time to be able to organize a proper Awards Ceremony in Paris. The human part of it is important for us and DNA is also about gathering a community of designers and give them the opportunity to meet.

With the current covid situation, those moments where people can meet are rare and many of our guests and winners were coming from other countries and other continents and were very happy to attend.

We also wanted to celebrate the winners of the 2020 edition. That’s why we’ve done a special Awards Ceremony this year with the 2020 and 2021 winners of the DNA Paris Design Awards.

DNA巴黎设计奖颁奖仪式现场 ▲



2019 年颁奖仪式竣事后,一些法国、埃和、俄罗斯和新西兰设计师们在仪式现场结识后就合作了一些项目。


Q:Do you like to share anything with us about the ceremony? Anything unforgettable or interesting?

A: We’ve received designers from all over the world (Asia, South-America, Europe, US, Africa,..) to the Awards Ceremony. It was very interesting to see how people matches even if they look or think differently. Many of our attendees didn’t know each other but after the event they have met a lot of interesting people and I’m sure this will give birth to worldwide collaborations and projects.

After the 2019 Awards Ceremony, some projects were done between French, Egyptian, Russian andNew Zealand designerswho met at the event.






Q:What’s the difference between the design from China and other countries? Is there any Chinese designer who impressed you in 2021 DNA Design Awards?

A: I think we are not aware of many project that are released in China. Many good designers as well that we don’t know yet. That’s why we are really pushing collaborations in China to highlight the best designers from China with the DNA Paris Design Awards. The idea is really to give them an opportunity to showcase their work to a bigger international scene.

I personally like the work of Wang Shu and Lu Wenyu.






Q:What’s your opinion and feeling on the overall Chinese design works? What design trend will it be from your point of view?

A: As China is such a big country with a lot of different cultures, Chinese designers can take the best from all the parts of China (colors, flavors, fabrics, architecture, etc…). It gives them a lot of good inspirations to create their own design and their own style. For me the most difficult for all designer today is always to find new inspirations but also it is about how they will integrate ecology into their creations to do sustainable projects. If Chinese designers put this concern in the heart of their work, the country will have a special position at the international stage.






Q: The jury team is composed of global editors and designers, then what is the main judgingcriteria?

A: We are trying to have the most global and eclectic jury as possible. It means color, race, age is not important for us when we choose the jury. The most important is to have people that are passionate and usually these people are the best designers and editors we can find on earthJ

To answer your question, there is no main judging criteria, each of the jury member can grade each project as he feels. That’s important for us to leave the jury in a total freedom.



从此刻最先,我们的打算是尽量地成长 DNA 夏日设计年夜会。




Q: Could you tell us if there is any new plan of DNA?

A: From now, the plan is to develop the DNA Summer Design Conference as much as we can.

As a reminder, the Summer Design Conference is an intimate design conference held in Paris every summer. The idea is to gather the creative thinkers and makers’ community with some exciting design workshops, inspiriting exhibitions, master classes, a design lab, parties and more!

Hopefully we can make it next summer!



别的,我想提一下,很是感激评审团中两位中国编纂的撑持:Yoko Choy(Wallpaper*国际版中国编纂)和Leon Sun(Elle Decoration内容总监和主编)。他们用灵敏的目光帮我们从每一年收到的几百个项目中遴选最优异的设计项目,这对我们来讲太主要了!


Q:Anything else you ‘d like to share?

A: We arevery happy to have an emerging section in our competition that allow young designers to participate and show their fresh ideas.

Also, I would like to mention that we are very happy to count with the support of two great Chinese editors in our jury : Yoko Choi (Wallpaper mag) and Leon Sun (Elle Decoration). It is very important for us to have their sharp eyes to find the finest design projects from the hundreds of projects we receive each year.

孙信喜Leon Sun▶

Elle Decoration内容总监和主编

◀Yoko Choy




- END -


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